Thursday, August 26, 2010

Art of Chocolate

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Shira registered for Chef Judy Koh`s Chocolate Course organised by Masiling CC at Creative Culinaire. Interested too as I am new to Chocolate making.

Waited for her outside my estate & sent her daughter to Bukit Batok childcare centre en route. Reached Eng Hoon Mansion with no parking lot available. I went in to `chop' seats while she waited for a car to move off.

Attendance was good at the cooking & baking school, a media was there shooting photo & video. Chef Judy explained the different types of chocolates, tempering & demonstrated 3 recipes.

Chef Judy Koh gave up her career as a linguistic teacher to pursue her passion in food. She had worked in many countries learning from great chefs. Her class is very enjoyable as she is very passionate in sharing her knowledge.

The 3-hr session seemed too short but she had to prepare for her next hands-on cake baking class. I quickly bought her 2nd book `Pocket of Happiness' & got her autograph. Her 1st book is out of print.

We also had Brownie, Chocolate Pistacho & Pralet (signature cake) at her Caffe. I bought a 8-grain loaf, a slice of Passion Mango Cheesecake & Mirin Cake @ 10% off.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

YOG Torch Relay in Yew Tee

Thursday 12 Aug 2010

After back late last nite attending rituals & burning a paper house at late-SIL wake, we left home early this morning for her funeral & cremation.

Came home, quickly changed to Committee tee & met 2 members at roundabout to proceed in celebrating Journey of the YOG Flame through Yew Tee. At 627, we were handed a YOG badge & a pair of clappers. A light drizzle started when we were blowing the clappers. Luckily it stopped shortly.

Groups of De LaSalle & PCF students were there too. We walked across to Regent Grove. At the overhead bridge, there was a crowd waiting & many were setting-up their camera on tripod to snap the memorable event.

By then, the sun was out. We were waiting & waiting under the scorching heat. The YOG Coca Cola & Samsung buses arrived 1st with blasting loud music. A brief wait later, more traffic & media vehicles came along.

Finally a runner came in. All of us started clapping excitedly when we spotted at some distance behind, the YEC Chairlady holding the torch with Advisor & few CCC members running with her. She then passed the torch to the next runner & both performed a merry dance, missed that shot as my Nikon digital takes some time to store image.

It was indeed a memorable moment. I am not into games but was influenced by the mood of those excited about the YOG. Thereafter I went Fairprice at Yew Pee Point to buy grocery for preparing dinner.

Feeling extremely exhausted when I was reached home. Fortunately, a member was keen to attend the Dialogue Session, hence I was able to rest early at night.

Monday, August 23, 2010

45th National Day Parade

Monday 9 August 2010

This year our NC received 2 NDP tickets to the Padang + 2 at Chua Chu Kang Heartland. Thanks to Ong's balloting, I got National Day Parade @ Padang & he had the CCK Heartland tickets.

Jiejie was happy to win a NDP tote bag thru Facebook `Friends of Yew Tee' National Day Photo Contest. There are 7 designs this year, she was excited & went out early to pick her fave design at CCK.

I can only bring meimei. It was very hot with sweltering heat when we set off. We packed our meals from McDonalds. Once outside City Hall MRT, the music were blasting with road closure surrounding the Padang. After security check & collecting our tote bags, we searched for the `Blue Sector'. Having height phobia to climb up the high steps, we sat at the 1st row.

The F1 fighter planes were thundering loud. It was scary looking up to see them diving down at a fast speed that I sat down & covered my ears.

It's a great experience to watch the parade live at the Padang. The mood is exhilarating, spectators dressed in red / white cheering loudly. Lots of colourful fireworks bursting from all over into the night sky. The whole atmosphere make one feel very patriotic & proud of being Singaporean.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

In loving memory of late Sis-in-law

Sunday 8 Aug 2010

Dear hubby's eldest sister passed away peacefully at 0002hrs after 5 months of treatment from stage 4 pancreas cancer, leaving behind her hubby & 2 boys. Free from all pain now, may she rest in peace.

Dear hubby come from a large family of 14 siblings. I have not met some of them but always remember his eldest sister. She was present when I 1st visit my MIL with dear hubby b4 our wedding &  had presided our custom ceremony at MIL's house. Dear hubby is the 1st official wedded son.

During a CNY when jiejie was a toddler, 1st SIL carried her to visit her in-laws. Jiejie then can easily followed anybody. Whenever on outings when she was young, I held a string on her arm to mine. 

Late SIL was living very near our ex-Bishan East home but whenever I called to visit her then, she always said she would be going out. After many NOs, I stopped calling & thereafter we met only on 2nd day of CNY at my MIL's place. 

Her 2 sons are still single in their thirties now. They were in sec sch then. The elder nephew had a gf staying at their place for a short while & had met the girl going swimming with the younger boy.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Youth Olympics Games Opening Ceremony Preview

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Thanks to my neighbour BK for the tickets to the 1st YOG Opening Ceremony Combined Rehearsal 4. Dear hubby wasn't interested & gege wanted to bring his gf, she gave us 6 tickets.

We had our dinner at Kopitiam & took the train to City Hall. Crowds were also going to the Padang. We walked to the Float @ Marina Bay. After security check, we got a poncho. Bottled water was expensive @ $2.50.

Spectators were mostly youth. Many students stand-in for the athletes. Screening of the 2 mascots (Lyo & Merly) was brief, followed by performances & march-in of participating countries. Good laugh when we heard just `start of speech'  from the 2 stand-in organisers.

Jiejie was excitedly looking out for her friends holding placards, flags & singing in the choir. We enjoyed lots of colourful fireworks, some were for the NDP Preview on the same night.

Bukom Movie Nite

Saturday 31 July 2010

One Team Committee had arranged to screen `Inception' in Golden Village, VivoCity over few days. Each staff is entitled to 2 tickets with snack, additional is $10. Dear hubby & jiejie weren't interested. Wasn't keen but I had to bring the kids & pick-up the tickets. Miss the old big theatre, the cineplex is too cold with blaring PA, hence need to bring sweaters & ear-plugs.

Cooked fried rice & porridge for didi who had just recovered from 5-day of high fever. Rushed out with jiejie at 10.30am to PJC. After waiting for 20 mins, her Form & GP teachers commented that she has to study harder for better results. Called home to wake Gege.

Took feeder bus to CCK, jiejie was looking for sandals at Lot 1 (lost her Taiwan bought-pairs) but dun like any. Bought Jollybean & took the train back to Yew Tee to fetch the kids to Harbourfront.

Bought some floss bread on offer at BreadTalk in Vivo. Queued at GV & paid $20 for 4 tickets at Hall 11. Seats were allocated on first-come-first served. Then we walked around the level. Didi wanted a ZINC wallet. He took a long time in chosing a design.

Went back to GV to collect our snacks. Gege received a wrong nachos coupon, swopped to his choice of hotdog at the counter. We brought our food in, a member came to thank all for attending. Only 2 trailers were screened, no commercial as the movie is very long.

We ate at Kopitiam b4 heading back. At Outram Park Interchange, I proceeded to Chinatown to buy green thread to mend gege's sch pants. A crowd was watching an old man busking Chinese oldies infront of old People Park. He had been singing for 3.5hrs.

Bought cleanser, big bottles of shampoo, conditioner.. The train was crowded with some carrying tote bag from NDP Preview. Standing & hugging my heavy purchase, it was only after changing train at Jurong East Interchange, then I realised that my new sweater tied to my waist had dropped off :-(.

Magic Interest Group

Friday, 30 July 2010

Following the success of the Magic Workshop on 23 May 2010 organised by CLC, this monthly Magic Interest Group on the last Friday is organised by YEC for grassroots leaders.

2 volunteer magicians Jon & Jaq came to show some of their performing skills.  We were taught a simple trick using the Aladdin playing cards.

Prefer the earlier workshop, had attended another event by FLC & was late that day. Then we learnt ball drop (missed), cups & balls (1/2), thumb & switching notes ($2 to $50). Interesting but need lots of practice to master.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Chef Judy Koh Demo at La Galerie De Dietrich

Thursday 29 July 2010

I am very glad to be invited by De Dietrich in Facebook to attend the Demo by Chef Judy Koh. It was for 1+1, I called Shira but her parents are here from HK.

Elin & I took Bus 123 from opp Tiong Bahru Plaza. We alighted 2 stops down & crossed over the overhead bridge to look for the shop.

There was a promotion on Chef Judy Koh's 2nd book @ $40. Chef demonstrated a Healthy Guava Tart using wholemeal flour. She is very chatty, experience & willing to share her knowledge with us.

There were 9 of us attending the workshop. Lyn brought her eldest 9-year old boy, he is an attentive boy.

We had enjoyed the demo & learn some great tips from Chef Judy.  Hope I am able to get more invitations from De Dietrich for their future cooking demonstrations.

ACM Farewell

Monday 26 July 2010

The CC ACM supporting our committee for 5 years will be transferring to HQ :-(.  We arranged a Farewell meal & a small souvenir for him during his last meeting with us.

Due to budget & small group size, we finally got a caterer to deliver the food in aluminum trays & drink in water bottles for 20 pax only.

Glad to see 2 new observers & most the members present at the meeting. The new Sgt from NPC managed to attend too.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

One Community Walk

Sunday, 25 July 2010

85,000 walkers participated in the One Community Walk held at 75 locations islandwide as reported in the Media. Yew Tee was organised by Constituency Sports Club with various GRLs volunteering as marshals, distributing goodies. C2E team was also on standby for first-aid.

My estate's walkers met at the roundabout to walk out together to the Yew Tee MRT Hardcourt. The GOH had just arrived & we started with the warm-up routine exercises. 

Whilst waiting for the siren to announce the nation-wide synchronised flag-off at 8am, the participants took turn to take photograph with our friendly Advisor (his last term).

After completing the 2km walk round Yew Tee, each participants received a goodies bag, event paper & lucky draw coupon. We then played games at the sports stations. A towel is given out for completing 8 sports stations.

Some new walkers registered to join our funwalkers club. There were performance before the event ended with with lucky draw. Meimei & I then went for a hearty breakfast at M.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Garage Sales Nite

Saturday 17 July 2010

We have organised this annual Garage Sales in our estate since 2002. This year, we invited residents from our neighbour's estate too. NEA set up a booth, exhibiting on Anti-littering & Recyling with Used Cooking Oil Collection.

Instead of the usual popcorn & nuts, we arranged for the durian van from a plantation in Johor to come in. But his durians were not as great as previous years with the many rainy spells recently. We also arranged for an ice-cream van to come in too.

The garage stall vendors came down early at 6pm to `chop' a lot & quickly setup. Most of them were selling their old books, toys, clothes... A few stalls were displaying new items. A member was clearing her babies' products & another hawking helum balloons. The most expansive item is a 1-year old BMW Z7 asking for $135K. A `new' bookshelf was sold at $10 with assisted delivery to the new owner's home.  

It had rained the 2 times when I had a stall so now I avoided booking stall & do barter trade. My daughter is interested in a battery-opeated stunt car. Knowing that this stall owner has 3 young kids, he agreed to my request in swopping my whole lots of books with the toy.

We had an enjoyable night & times fly. There was a good crowd & I dun realise it was closing times till I saw the vendors packing up. The weather was great. After the event, residents are asking when is the next garage sale.