Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bukom Lab Family Day

Saturday, 10 July 2010

I left JC abt 3.30pm & quickly took the train down to City Hall. While walking over, I saw many army tanks outside Suntec on standby for the National Day Parade Preview. Reached the Duck Tour counter & spotted my family with a HR staff. Gave her the Elegant Round Tupperware that I just got at JC earlier as I still have a few similar pieces at home.

1st we watched a video b4 boarding the Wacky Duck. Abt 30 of us were in Group A (Blue Team). Due to ooad closure around the Padang area for NDP Preview, the land tour were cut short & soon we dropped into the Kallang River. The guide gave an interesting complementary on the surrounding landmarks along the riverbank. The ride was smooth in water but I felt quite giddy from motion sickness while being struck with the heavy traffic on the bumpy duck when we were heading back on land.

After alighting abt 6pm, the guide handed us a pack of Duck Souvenir. B4 the next 3 groups went on board, all of us gathered for a HUGE group photo. There is an hour of free & easy time for us b4 dinnertime at 7pm. We walked to Carrefour & back to Siam Kitchen. There were jars of sweet with Shell logo on the table. Jiejie was excited to see the homemade sweets posted by local popular blogger `Xiaxue' that she kept snapping pictures of them. We then decorated our group poster for the contest.

The boss thanked the B Shift organisers & all for the largest participants this year. Family members were thanked too for the high overtime the staff had put in recently with the new plant opening. Then it's makan time. The best poster was won by Group C.

My kids went to watch the laser show at the world's largest fountain. They were excited to see a flashed message `Were you marry me?', then a guy presented a big bouquet of flowers & ring to his gf, the crowd clapped.

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