Sunday, June 20, 2010

South West CDC Briskwalking Training

Sunday, 13 Jun 2010

The Briskwalking Training for South West Funwalkers Club leaders & co-ordinaters was held in JTC Summit. There were 2 groups of abt 20 attendees each on 25 & 26 floors. The Proage trainers are engaged by Health Pomotion Board to design the exercises for flexibility, balance & muscle strengthening.

We learnt the 2 ways to measure the heart rate, the 12-exercise in the warm-up routine, the correct briskwalk technique, the 9-exercise in the cool-down routine & lastly to calculate the fitness index.

It is indeed a very good & beneficial training. I am keen to arrange for the trainer to come to my estate or YT to train the Funwalkers Club members on the proper way to walk iso their usual strolling which has no health benefit.

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